Please click here to read more information from Birmingham City Council.

Please click here to read Roxton’s Visiting Policy

Please click here to read Roxton’s Visiting Rules

Ensuring residents’ health and wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do at Roxton Nursing Home, and we aim to reflect this in the way we support your loved ones.

We are continually monitoring GOV.UK and Public Health Bodies for the latest advice about COVID-19, which includes following specific guidance for those in residential settings and advice from the National Care Forum

Procedural guidance is regularly reviewed and communicated with the aim of keeping residents and staff as well informed and as safe as possible.

Below you can find information about how we are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.


• Visits are by appointment only so please telephone the home to arrange a slot.
• Visits will generally be for a maximum of 30 minutes. Those who travel extensive distances to visit a resident may be granted a visit of extended duration by prior agreement where this can be accommodated.
• Sanitising gel will be provided to all visitors.
• Visitors are required to maintain a minimum safe distance of at least 2 metres at all times.
• Visitors should wear their own face covering.
• All visitors are required to complete a screening form upon arrival to ensure they are not displaying symptoms.
• Please do not bring gifts or flowers. Please bear in mind that where there is a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 within the Nursing Home, visiting arrangements will be suspended. Our approach to visiting is subject to continuous review in the light of national and local circumstances regarding COVID-19.

Our priority continues to be preventing the spread of COVID-19 and maintaining the safety of our loved ones, their visitors and our staff.

In light of the advice that older people must be particularly cautious, we are applying the social distancing principle to our houses and homes as much as is feasible to reduce the risk of infection spreading between residents. We are asking residents to stay, as much as possible, in their own rooms, and this includes for their meals if we cannot maintain social distancing in our dining rooms.

We are taking the same precautions with our staff, and any staff member displaying symptoms will not be allowed to enter our services until they have completed the required self isolation as required by Public Health bodies. We provide regularly updated guidance to all of our employees and have ordered an appropriate stock of PPE so that staff can care for any resident safely should they display COVID-19 symptoms.

Since the beginning of the pandemic we have introduced stringent cleaning measures and continue to do so. To help reduce the risk of infection we are supporting residents to wash their hands with soap and water on a more frequent basis and are offering alcohol hand gel throughout the day.

Visiting arrangements will be suspended where there is a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 within a service.

If a family member is approaching the end of their life, one/two person(s) will be able to arrange a visit on compassionate grounds. You will be shown how to use the correct PPE and must wash your hands thoroughly when entering and leaving the building. Please contact the Care Manager in advance, who will make arrangements with you so that you can visit your loved one safely.

As per the government guidelines, we are testing our staff on a weekly basis and all residents on a 28 day cycle.

We are continuing to do everything we can to keep life as normal as possible for our residents during the pandemic. Being isolated and unable to see loved ones for weeks on end can have a detrimental effect on both physical and mental health, so it has been more important than ever to support our residents through this difficult time. Our dedicated staff team is on-hand to support residents to stay in touch with their loved ones through phone-calls and video chats. They are also spending 1:1 time with residents to lower the risk of social isolation.

We will continue to adapt to the changing situation by trying to source additional items for our residents where needed, and keeping our residents’ physical and mental health at the forefront of all we do.

If you have any questions about your loved ones please do not hesitate to contact the Care Manager at Roxton. Alternatively, if you have any queries regarding our management of COVID-19 you can email

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